精選 Microsoft Office 課程

Certificate in Excel Intermediate



所有學員完成課程後將能夠熟練地運用Excel 在工作中所需要的重點函數 (Functions) 以及鍵盤捷徑 (Keyboard shortcut keys). Eg. Vlookup, If, And, Or 等重點函數及混合使用。

Excel Intermediate3 Excel Intermediate2

Certificate in Excel Intermediate 商務課程簡介 

Excel 中級商務課程是Excel教學系列中的核心課程,課程涵蓋所有在工作中需要的重點函數 (Functions) 以及鍵盤捷徑 (Keyboard shortcut keys)。內容完全涵蓋金融,會計,建築,零售,餐飲,文員,生產等行業的日常Excel函數(Functions)應用。

我們的導師由基礎開始逐個函數(Functions)講解其中的結構及輸入方法,如何在日常工作中靈活地組合運用,完成數據處理以及製作各種不同的商務報表。所有學員完成課程後將能夠熟練地運用Excel 在工作中所需要的重點函數 (Functions) 以及鍵盤捷徑 (Keyboard shortcut keys).

本課程融合了多年的實戰經驗,令各位學員能夠充分利用及了解MS Office各版本的特點。由1997年的紮實基礎到 Office 365 雲端版本的最新技術,都能夠靈活運用。


課程時數:   每堂 小時



公司培訓:本課程適用於公司團體培訓, 詳情可與我們職員聯絡。


報名方法:1)網上即時報名  2)  銀行入數報名



      證書認可 : 完成課程後可以申領證書一份




      Excel Functions 
      tick Math Functions – Focus on mathematical data analysis 
      tick Sum function - Applying sum function to handle multiple subtractions 
      tick Sumif function – Applying for business case scenarios 
      tick Count function – Using the count function to handle items 
      tick Caution when using count function for text, values and empty cells 
      tick Countif function - Applying for business case scenarios 
      tick Max function – Handling Max business value analysis 
      tick Min function – Handling Min cost business value analysis 
      tick Max and Min caution when handling local, Global Max and Min 
      tick Average function – Applying arithmetic mean for analysis 
      tick Averageif function - Applying for business case scenarios 
      tick Round function – Rounding with all digits 
      tick Roundup function – Up Rounding with all digits 
      tick Rounddown function – Down Rounding with all digits

      Text Functions 
      tick & using this operator to combine cell content 
      tick Left function – Handling ID, Invoice, SKU numbers 
      tick Right function - Handling ID, Invoice, SKU numbers 
      tick Middle function - Handling ID, Invoice, SKU numbers 
      tick Trim function – Handling irregular spacing problems

      Time & Date Functions 
      tick Now function – To insert a current date and time to the excel 
      tick Today function – To insert a current date to the excel 
      tick Days function – To calculate the number of days between dates 
      tick Weekdays function – To calculate the week number of a year 
      tick Yearfrac function – To calculate the number of years between dates 
      tick Year function – Extracting the year from a date 
      tick Month  function – Extracting the Month from a date 
      tick Day function – Extracting the Day from a date 
      tick Hour  function – Extracting the hour from time 
      tick Minute function – Extracting the Minute from time 

      Insert Tables and Charts 
      tick Introduction to the standard format of data 
      tick Preparing the standard format data for tables and charts 
      tick Insert Tables for standard format data 
      tick How to Insert Charts for standard format data 
      tick Insert Bar Charts 
      tick Insert Line Charts 
      tick Insert Pie Charts / doughnut charts 
      tick Insert Bubble charts 
      tick Insert Tables for standard format data 
      tick Editing the data from a chart 
      tick Using the chart design templates 
      tick Moving charts to Word and PowerPoint 
      tick Using chart format templates 
      tick Setting chart, Axis titles and positions 
      tick Setting charts values display format 
      tick Setting charts grid, and box items 
      tick Setting Linear trend line for data fields 
      tick Setting Error bars – Standard Error, 5% Error, Standard Deviation 
      tick Setting Chart data forecasting analysis 
                  Linear Forecast 
                  Exponential Forecast 
                  Moving Average Forecast 
      tick Insert shapes to the charts 
      tick Insert graphic design effects for the chart items 
      tick Insert custom background for the chart 
      tick Changing text colour and styles 
      tick Adjusting the chart size in proportion
      Logic Functions 
      tick Logic Tests – The fundamental TRUE/FALSE analysis for Excel 
      tick > Greater than 
      tick < Less Than 
      tick <> Not Equal to 
      tick <= Less than or equal to 
      tick >= Greater than to equal to 
      tick = Equal to 
      tick Logic functions 
      tick If function – Application of IF to business data 
      tick AND  function – Application of AND for multiple logics 
      tick OR  function – Application as opposite to AND 
      tick Mixture  of IF, AND, OR functions 
      tick Strategic approach to complex mixture logical functions 
      tick Vlookup function and Hlookup function 
      tick Vlookup function – Application of Vertical lookup to business data 
      tick Hlookup function – Application of Horizontal lookup to business data 
      tick Caution when handling repeated primary key data 
      tick Caution when locking data array 
      tick Caution when counting columns for large data set 
      tick More business application of VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP 
      tick Using copy and paste with transpose to hand HLOOKUP data 
      tick Keyboard Shortcut Keys 
      tick Application of keyboard shortcut keys to work faster 
      tick Common keyboard shortcut keys 
      tick Using Excel keyboard shortcut keys in PC/Mac

      Excel Intermediate course topics

      Excel Intermediate2

      Excel Intermediate3

      Excel Intermediate4